Worship at Trinity
Trinity offers many weekly opportunities for worship, both on Sundays and throughout the week. Please refer to the Parish Calendar for the most up-to-date scheduling information. Many smaller services during the week are held in St. Margaret's Chapel, located in the north transept of the church.

8:00am - Holy Eucharist
Spoken liturgy with prayers, readings, sermon, and communion.
10:30am - Holy Eucharist (Rite II) (Livestreamed)
Traditional spoken liturgy with prayers, readings, sermon, choral Eucharist, and communion.

Virtually all Episcopal Churches in the U.S.A. are guided by the forms of service given in full in the Book of Common Prayer. This volume exists in a number of versions throughout the Anglican Communion, all of which are historically related to an original published in 1549 as part of the English Reformation. The Book of Common Prayer contains Psalms, canticles, and collects, as well as forms for Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, Holy Communion, Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage and Funeral services. Please follow the links below to explore this written symbol and instrument of unity in the Episcopal Church.
We live our lives with family and friends, in the workplace and as citizens of cities and nations. It is in the routines of those places and circumstances that we serve one another. It is there that we can be "instruments of the divine compassion."
Our spiritual life might be described as an oscillation; a cycle between renewal and apostolate and back again, a movement from awe and adoration to service and back again. This is the process by which we sustain our identity and integrity as persons baptized into the Body of Christ. In renewal we give ourselves to the spiritual practices that place us in the pathways of God's love and grace.
Our hope is that what we offer here will serve people seeking ancient spiritual practices so they may effectively and faithfully engage contemporary life.