COVID reopening FAQs
1) Is our reopening plan available to the public?
Our Reopening Plan has been approved by the diocesan chancellor and is available here.
2) When will we be able to return to in person services? How come some churches can return to in person sooner than others in the diocese?
We are all anxious to return to church as soon as possible. From the beginning of the pandemic, Trinity has said we will re-open when it is safe for everyone to join us. Because we love one another, we do not want to endanger the life or health of anyone who would join us for worship in person. We are watching several public health metrics, such as the number of new cases and the percentage of the population that has been vaccinated, as we consider when it will be safe for everyone. In the meantime, please get yourself and your loved ones vaccinated as soon as possible.
3) Even after we return to in-person services, will services still be available to view online?
We know that some people will not be able or willing to join us in person, so we plan to continue our online services even after we resume in-person services.
4) Even after we return to in-person services, will we still have meetings online?
Yes. Until such time as it is safe for us to meet in person, we will continue online meetings. Some groups may continue to meet online in the future, or to combine online and in-person meetings.
5) When we return to in-person services, will childcare/Sunday School be available?
Childcare and Sunday School will not reopen when Trinity first reopens for worship, given risks of infection and difficulty in distancing children in closed spaces such as the childcare and Sunday School rooms. As information changes, we will update this FAQ.
6) When we return to in-person services, will there be reservations required to attend services?
Yes. Part of Trinity’s reopening plan is to use a reservation system through Realm (our congregational database system). Based on the number of people allowed at any service, reservations will be made in the week prior to that Sunday. Walk-up attendees will be admitted based on space available. More information about how to make reservations will be available as we near reopening.
7) Will people be required to sign-in?
Yes. If their reservations were not made through Realm, they will be required to fill out Event Disclosure and Screening form using clean pens or a pen they bring themselves. We will use all sign-in sheets for contact tracing and keep them for a minimum of 21 days. A touchless thermometer will be available to check temperatures.
8) When we return to in-person services, will everyone be required to wear masks? If someone does not show up with a mask, will masks be available at church? If someone refuses to wear a mask, what happens?
Masks will be mandatory and will be provided if someone arrives without a mask. If anyone refuses to wear a mask and insists on entering, we will terminate the service and ask everyone to leave. We never want to be in a position of arguing about wearing a mask or allowing potential spread of the virus.
9) When we return to in-person services, will hand sanitizer be available for use?
Yes. Sanitation stations will be placed in various locations around Trinity.
10) When we return to in-person services, will paper Sunday bulletins be available? Will they be available electronically if people do not want to touch paper/hymnals/etc. at church?
We will continue to use fully-inclusive paper bulletins which will be recycled following each service. An online version will also be available, so people could choose to bring their own electronic devices to read the bulletin.
11) When we return to in-person services, will commonly used spaces will be cleaned between individual people using them (doorknobs, elevator, bathrooms, etc.)?
All surfaces at Trinity will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before and after services and there will be sanitizing products available during all services.
12) When we return to in-person services, will we have coffee hour with food and drinks?
Not immediately. Not until there has been a directive from the Governor and the Bishop that we can meet, in person, with no restrictions.
13) When we return to in-person services, will there be communion?
Yes, but with changes to provide the safest possible way to distribute the wafer so that only the priest and the congregant touch the wafer and masks remain in place until each person returns to their assigned seats. At that point, each person can lower their mask to consume the Eucharist and then immediately replace their mask. No wine will be distributed to the congregation.
14) When we return to in-person services, will there be a choir?
Not immediately, though we may have soloists, as allowed by public health guidelines.
15) When we return to in-person services, will people be required to be vaccinated in order to attend?
At this time, there is no plan to ask for proof of vaccination in order to attend any service at Trinity. Our Re-opening Plan outlines the many precautions we will take to ensure everyone’s health and safety when we return to in-person worship. We encourage people to be vaccinated as soon as possible for their safety and the safety of others.
16) Can people who are vaccinated return to services earlier than those who have not been vaccinated?
From the beginning of the pandemic, Trinity has said we will re-open when it is safe for everyone to join us. Please keep encouraging your loved ones to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
This FAQs reflect procedures as we anticipate them on the date below and will be updated as information changes.
19 May 2021