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Welcome to Trinity

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Come celebrate with us in-person every Sunday at 8am and 10:30am (with livestream) or online on this page or our YouTube channel

Or call toll-free to listen to the 10:30am service on your phone! 



Want to hear just the sermon? Click here for our sermon playlist. 



Submit your prayer request to add someone to Trinity's parish prayer list. You'll have options for including the person in our weekly PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE, and/or on our Trinity Parish PRAYER CHAIN.


Your offering by credit card, bank withdrawal, or check is essential as we continue serving people in body, mind, and spirit during these challenging times.  


Want to contribute via text? Simply text MYTPC $25 (or any chosen amount) to the phone number 73256. You’ll receive a text message in response with your next steps.


Seeking Part-Time Organist

Trinity Parish Church seeks a part-time organist for Sunday worship and other seasonal services, and choir practice on Thursday evenings. The organist will prepare anthems for services, accompany the chosen hymns for congregational singing, and provide preludes, postludes, and musical interludes to enhance worship. Skills for musical improvisation, and familiarity with Episcopal worship are desirable. The position is 0.25 FTE, $20,800 annually and includes 4 weeks paid vacation and no additional benefits. Send cover letter and resume to Rev’d Sabeth Fitzgibbons and Markdavin Obenza See additional details here.

Coffee Hour
After Sunday services! Please join us in the Parish Hall (across the courtyard) for coffee and conversation.

Thursdays at 8:00PM in the Trinity Library
The Trans And Non-Binary In Recovery AA group is an open meeting every Thursday at 8:00PM.

Sponsor Sunday Flowers?
Did you know that you can sponsor Sunday flowers for worship? It’s a lovely way to honor Moms, Grads, Dads, PRIDE, Juneteenth, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, or any other special date that is meaningful to you. Suggested donation $30-50/week, and may be made through the usual avenues (indicate Flowers). Contact Marilyn Scott-Knutson to sign up for a specific date and to let her know your flower preferences and dedication message.

Trinity Has a New Rental Coordinator!

We are excited to announce that we have hired Ruth Schauble as Rental Coordinator. As a long-time member of the Trinity Parish Choir, Ruth is thrilled to join the staff as the Rental Coordinator. She holds a Bachelor degree from University of Puget Sound and a Masters degree from Columbia University Teachers College, specializing in voice performance and music education. Ruth is a professional choral soprano and voice teacher, singing with several ensembles in the Seattle area in addition to the Trinity Choir. As Rental Coordinator, Ruth will handle all inquiries and bookings for Trinity's many rental spaces. Her work 20 hours are Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and she can be reached at


Click here for the full calendar of events.

September 2024

Compline Service (Resumes 1st Thursdays in September)

Thursday, September 5 at 8:15pm

The Trinity Choir looks forward to welcoming you back to this contemplative sung service in September.

Bishop Ordination and Consecration: The Rev. Dr. Philip Noah LaBelle

Saturday, September 14 at 11:00AM at the Meydenbauer Center, 11100 NE 6th St, Bellevue, WA 98004 & livestreamed

God willing and the people consenting, The Rev. Dr. Philip Noah LaBelle will be ordained and consecrated as ninth bishop of the Diocese of Olympia on Saturday, September 14 at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue. Doors open at 9:30am. A reception follows. Everyone in our Diocese is invited to attend in person! The service will also be livestreamed. Reservations are not required, but your RSVP will help us plan. Please be sure to reserve a spot if you need child care during the ordination and consecration service so we have as many caregivers as needed.

Seating of the Bishop

Sunday, September 15 at 4:30PM at St. Mark’s Cathedral, 1245 10th Ave E, Seattle

Ceremonial Seating of The Rt. Rev. Dr. Philip N. LaBelle as the ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia. Reception to follow.

Community Lunch (3rd Sundays)

Sunday, September 15, at 11:45AM in the Parish Hall

Every 3rd Sunday of the month we host a FREE hot meal for our community and neighbors. All hungry humans are invited to eat!

Navigating the Future: Faith, Climate Science, and Action (free webinar)

Wednesday, September 18, 12pm - 1pm PT on Zoom

Rev. Dr. Lisa Graumlich, who was recently ordained a deacon in the Episcopal Church (and served at Trinity), will discuss the latest news in climate science and lso help us unpack what we can do in our own faith and spiritual communities to address some of the critical challenges. The event is hosted by Interfaith Power & Light: IPL’s President, Rev. Susan Hendershot, will moderate the discussion. RSVP at


Sunday, September 22

Next Sunday is AMAZING Sunday! Trinity Choir returns and we will officially begin our Fall activities.

October 2024


Sung Compline (1st Thursdays)

Thursday, October 3 at 8:15PM in the Church

Join us as the Trinity Choir leads this brief restful service at the end of the day.

Animal Blessings

Sunday, October 6 at both services (8AM and 10:30AM)

Bring your pets (or photos, or stuffed animals) to church for our pet blessing service, held annually on the Sunday closest to St. Francis Day (10/4).

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